Call for participants
Integrated Systems Biology Laboratory, Department of Systems Science, Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University calls for participants (undergraduate and graduate students of Kyoto University) for our psychophysics, behavioural, eye movement, and brain activity recording (EEG, MEG, fMRI, etc) experiments. If you are able to participate in our experiments, please sign up to our mailing list or LINE account which announces the application requirements of our experiments. If you have a question, please feel free to contact us (higashi-h [at]
- Sing up to our mailing list
Add our LINE account
- The LINE account is our laboratory’s, not personal one.
- You can cancel the registration by clicking URL noted in the mails for the mailing list or by blocking our LINE account.
- You can directly apply for each experiment via Current projects.
What do the participants do?
In the experiments, we will ask you to perform a simple cognition, perception, or decision-making task implemented on a PC. The possible experimental tasks are: choosing one out of multiple images, exploring in a maze, solving a problem with others and so on. The details about the task will be explained beforehand and you can practice the task if it was necessary. In some experiments, we measure your eye movements and/or brain activities. To record a good quality data, we ask you to hold still as much as possible, but you will not be physically restrained and will be allowed to take a break regularly. The detailed requirements for brain recording experiments will be noted in the announcement for each experiment.
Our experiments are approved by The Ethical Committee, Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University. You have the right to cancel the experiment anytime even in the middle of experiment.
We pay monetary gratuity for your participation
We pay monetary gratuity for participating in the experiment. The amount of money depends on experiments. For example, we pay 1,000 yen for a behavioural experiment (one hour), and 3,000 yen for an EEG experiment (three hours). We tell you in advance how much we will pay for the experiment. The money is paid by cash or bank transfer. If bank transfer, your own bank account is needed.
Procedure for participating experiments
- You sing up to our mailing list or become a friend to our LINE account.
- Announcement for calling for participants is delivered (Example). We tell:
- contact address (you can ask questions to the address),
- experimental tasks,
- what we measure (behaviour, brain activity, or both) and requirements,
- experimental location (usually in Yoshida campus, but fMRI experiment can be conducted in Advanced Telecommunication
- Research Institute International (ATR, Seika-cho, Soraku-gun, Kyoto)),
- experiment schedule,
- amount of gratuity,
- available date and time.
- You send the necessary information and your available date and time via a form.
- We reply you to arrange your experiment date and time by email.
- We make documents for conducting experiments. We need your address, a copy of your student ID, a copy of Permission to Engage in Activity Other than that Permitted by the Status of Residence Previously Granted (only for a foreign student), etc).
- We conduct the experiment.
- We explain the experiment.
- We ask consent of the experiment. If you agree, you sign a written consent.
- We conduct the experiment.
- We pay monetary gratuity.
Current projects
- No available now
Hiroshi Higashi, Department of Systems Science, Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University
higashi-h [at]