Original Softwares

Shigeyuki OBA,
Kyoto University.
Contact: oba@i.kyoto-u.ac.jp

22th Jan. 2008 : HODP is released

[hodp004.m] A DE gene detector of super-power: HODP (MATLAB implementaion)

Hidden variables Optimal Discovery Procedure (HODP) is a novel procedure to evaluate statistical significance of genes which show differential expression (DE) between different conditions of microarray observations. Or in short, an alternative to t-statistic. The HODP discovers DE genes with smaller errors than existing methods, i.e., number of false negatives with any fixed levels of false pasitives.

Released (22th Jan. 2008)
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[BPCAfill.m] BPCA Missing Value Estimator for MATLAB

BPCAfill is a missing value estimation software suitable for gene expression profile data for MATLAB.
Last updated (18 Nov. 2004)
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[JBPCAfill] BPCA Missing Value Estimator for Java

JBPCAfill is a missing value estimation software suitable for gene expression profile data for JAVA.
Last updated (13 May. 2003)
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Small small toolbox for MATLAB

The manual is written in Japanese. Last updated (26 Nov. 2002)
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