
SNSS2011 data analysis challenge

  • At SNSS2011, Dr. Vance Lemmon made a question about statistical gene expression analysis, and so on. For this task, those who gave the most excellent answer were awarded the prize.

Award winner

  • 寺島裕貴 (TERASHIMA Hiroki)(the 1st from the left in this picture)
  • 今基織(KON Motoori)(the 1st from the right in this picture)


About picture

  • This picture was taken at the closing ceremony of SNSS2011.
  • Dr. Vance Lemmon (the 2nd from the left in this picture) Dr. Emery N. Brown (the 2st from the right in this picture)
  • The prize winners have the premium, a mug which is a custom-made item by Dr. Vance Lemmon.