I am particularly interested in the fields of mathematics that
are on the boundary of different theories. I love to see the
Mathematics(in particular, discrete Math) playing the role of
bridge connecting various people from diverse fields.
I am currently interested in;
Discrete Fourier Transform on finite group is a change of basis realized by the Wedderburn's isomorphism from the group ring CG to the block diagonal matrix ring. When the associated group is the cyclic group Cn, this becomes the familier DFT that is implemented in the Matlab. Fast Fouier Transform(FFT) is an efficient implementation of the DFT.
Today, a very fast and easy implmentation of the DFT on commutative group ring is avaible. However, this has not been the case for non-commutative ring. It is a shame to leave this problem untouched, as the FFT for noncommutative group ring has applications in numerous interesting fields, such as in phylogenetics and in voting theory.Together with Micheal Orrison and Mike Hansen in the Applied representation theory group at Harvey Mudd College, I study the FFT on the Symmetric Group Sn. This FFT has applications in interesting fields like Voting theory and Genetics.
The study of the FFT originally began as the study of "operators." The culmination of the FFT research in this direction is the FFT developped by David Maslen, which has a very fast asymptotic runtime O(n^2 n!). This algorithm, however, is extremely complicated, and requires very convoluted indexing scheme to implement.
We suggest a change in paradigm here. By shifting our focus to the construction of the intermediate basis used in the algorithm, we can further exploit the hidden symmetries in the algebraic structures. In fact, using these symmetries, we can easily construct the sequence of orthogonal intermediate basis that yields a very efficient FFT (Simulation indicates that it is the fastest available today). Furthermore, our method might be applicable to the group algebra of general Weyl group.