
LectureページにDr. Michael Merzenichの講演情報をUP


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Lectures(Alphabetical order)

Speaker  Dr. Mathew E. Diamond

Title     Neuronal encoding of tactile sensation and category


Though sensory receptors collect physical quantities (wavelengths, frequency spectra, vibrations), we somehow perceive things (objects and categories) rather than sets of parameters. Categorical representations guide our actions on-line and form our subjective experiences and memories. How is brain activity transformed from a representation of physical parameters to a representation of meaningful objects and categories? I cannot supply you the complete answer in two hours (and probably not in 10 years!) but I will explain our approach to the problem. Our research focuses on the sense of touch in the rat’s whisker system. Tactile perception is both accurate and rapid. In the dark, rats can extract shape, position, texture and other features from just a few touches – as little as 100 ms between first contact and decision. It offers one of the best opportunities for weaving a seamless continuum from cells to behavior. We have worked mostly on texture perception. I will describe how whiskers interact with surfaces, how the whisker motion is transformed into neuronal spike trains that comprise the neuronal code of texture. Then, we follow the signals to higher-order areas like the hippocampus. Here, neuronal activity encodes the behavioral significance of the sensory event. We will see how the behavior is stored into the rat’s memory.


von Heimendahl M, Itskov PM, Arabzadeh E, Diamond ME, "Neuronal Activity in Rat Barrel Cortex Underlying Texture Discrimination." PLoS Biol.5(2007):2696-2708.Z

Arabzadeh E, Zorzin E, and Diamond ME, "Neuronal Encoding of Texture in the Whisker Sensory Pathway." PLoS Biol.3(2005):155-165.

Arabzadeh E, Petersen RS, and Diamond ME "Encoding of Whisker Vibration by Rat Barrel Cortex Neurons: Implications for Texture Discrimination." J. Neurosci.23(2003):9146 –9154.

Harris JA, Petersen RS, and Diamond ME, "Distribution of Tactile Learning and its Neural Basis." Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 96 (1999): 7587-7591.

*Optional – just for fun
Diamond ME, Heimendahl M, Itskov P, and Arabzadeh E, "Response to: Ritt et al., "Embodied Information Processing: Vibrissa Mechanics and Texture Features Shape Micromotions in Actively Sensing Rats" " Neuron 57 (2008): 599–613.


Speaker  Dr. Tomoki Fukai

Title      Information coding with excitation-inhibition balance


In vivo cortical neurons exhibit highly irregular spike trains, which presumably reflect the stochastic nature of synaptic input. Several recent experiments have revealed that cortical (and some other) neurons receive balanced excitatory and inhibitory synaptic input, which can produce large fluctuations in the postsynaptic potential. After providing the basics of information theory and stochastic process, I will demonstrate two examples of neuronal systems that use balanced or fluctuating synaptic input for representing information in a rate-based or a synchrony-based coding scheme. The first example shows, experimentally and computationally, that single cortical neurons can maintain the degree of irregularity in output spikes at different firing rates, when they are driven by balanced synaptic input. This constancy of firing irregularity improves the reliability of rate-based information decoding. In the second example, I show in a computational model that partially-correlated input spikes with excitation-inhibition balance may achieve “perfect” temporal integration, which is non-leaky and accurate integration of external input. Perfect temporal integration has been suggested in various cognitive tasks including decision making.


Miura K, Tsubo Y, Okada M, Fukai T "Balanced excitatory and inhibitory inputs to cortical neurons decouple firing irregularity from rate modulations." J Neurosci 27(2007):13802-13812.

Okamoto H, Isomura Y, Takada M, Fukai T "Temporal integration by stochastic recurrent network dynamics with bimodal neurons." J Neurophysiol 97(2007):3859-3867.

Shu Y, Hasenstaub A, McCormick DA "Turning on and off recurrent balanced cortical activity." Nature 423(2003):288-293.

Miura K, Okada M, Amari S "Estimating spiking irregularities under changing environments." Neural Comput 18(2006):2359-2386.

Reddi BA, Carpenter RH "The influence of urgency on decision time." Nat Neurosci 3(2000):827-830.

Chance FS, Abbott LF, Reyes AD "Gain modulation from background synaptic input." Neuron 35(2002):773-782.


Speaker  Dr. Sean Hill



This lecture will cover two separate examples of large-scale network modeling. The first is a large-scale model of the visual thalamocortical system in the cat. This model was constructed and the parameters tuned manually to develop a system that exhibited behavior like wakefulness and sleep. The second is the Blue Brain Project. This project was developed to provide a facility for constructing data-driven models from an entirely new process designed to automatically build neural circuitry using data from gene expression, electrophysiology and morphology reconstruction experiments.


Hill S, Tononi G, "Modeling sleep and wakefulness in the thalamocortical system." J Neurophysiol.93(2005):1671-98

Markram H, "Blue Brain Project." Nat Rev Neurosci.7(2006):153-60.

Steriade M, Timofeev I, Grenier F, "Natural waking and sleep states: a view from inside neocortical neurons." J Neurophysiol.85(2001):1969-85.

Sanchez-Vives MV, McCormick DA, "Cellular and network mechanisms of rhythmic recurrent activity in neocortex." Nat Neurosci.3(2000):1027-34.

Beierlein M, Fall CP, Rinzel J, Yuste R, "Thalamocortical bursts trigger recurrent activity in neocortical networks: layer 4 as a frequency-dependent gate." J Neurosci.2002 Nov 15;22(22):9885-94.


Speaker  Dr. Michael Merzenich

Title      Brain Plasticity


I shall briefly summarize studies documenting the neurological principles governing cortical plasticity in the infant and adult brain, with special emphasis directed toward explaining the origins of experience- and learning-based skills and abilities that define our individualized operational characteristics. On this basic science foundation, I shall then describe several examples in which these principles have been employed to address human impairments and illness, in child, young adult and aged human populations.


Polley DB, Steinberg EE, Merzenich MM "Perceptual learning directs auditory cortical map reorganization through top-down influences." J Neurosci 26(2006):4970-82.

Froemke RC, Merzenich MM, Schreiner CE "A synaptic memory trace for codrtical receptive field plasticity." Nature 450(2007):425-9.

Temple E, Deutsch GK, Poldrack RA, Miller SL, Tallal P, Merzenich MM, Gabrieli JD "Neural deficits in children with dyslexia ameliorated by behavioral remediation: evidence from functional MRI." Proc Natl Acad Sci 100(2003):2860-5.

de Villers-Sidani E, Simpson KL, Yu, YF, Lin RC, Merzenich MM "Manipulating critical period closure across different sectors of the primary auditory cortex." Nat Neurosci 22(2008):957-65.

Zhou X, Merzenich MM "Developmentally degraded cortical temporal processing restored by training." Nat Neurosci 12(2009):26-8.

Mahncke HW, Bronstone A, Merzenich MM "Brain plasticity and functional losses in the aged;: scientific bases for a novel intervention." Prog Brain Res 157(2006):81-109.


Speaker  Dr. Katsuhiko Mikoshiba

Title      Mechanism of Brain Development and Disorders


Brain is a complex structure composed of cerebral cortex, brain stem, cerebellum and spinal cord. Each part of the brain is composed of mainly two types of cells, neuron and glia cell. Neurons are subgrouped into various types according to their unique morphology and function. Glial cells are subgrouped into oligodendrocyte, astrocyte and microglia. These cells interact each other to keep harmony inside the brain for maintaining higher brain function. My strategy for analyzing the nervous system is to introduce mutants with accompanied with morphologic abnormally in neurons and glial cells and behavioral abnormality. Analysis of the abnormally developed brain compared with that of the control brain provides us great information to correlate molecule-cell-tissue-individual (behaviour). I will introduce some of the examples of myelination (oligodendrocyte-neuron interaction), neural inducer protein Zic, and IP3 receptor important for calcium signaling, all of which are essential for living system.


Speaker  Dr. Greg Stuart

Title      The action potential


The action potential is the fundamental electrical signal used by the brain for communication. In my lecture I will review recent work on action potentials using both experimental and modeling approaches to investigate their site of generation, their modulation by subthreshold synaptic input, and their role in synaptic plasticity.


Palmer, L.M. and Stuart, G.J. "Site of action potential initiation in layer 5 pyramidal neurons." J. Neurosci.26(2006):1854-1863.

Letzkus, J.J., Kampa, B.M. and Stuart, G.J. "Learning rules for spiketiming-dependent plasticity depend on dendritic synapse location." J.Neurosci.26(2006):10420-10429.

Kole, M.H., Letzkus, J.J. and Stuart, G.J. "Axon initial segment Kv1 channels control axonal action potential waveform and synaptic efficacy." Neuron, 55(2007):633-47.

Kampa, B.M., Letzkus, J.J. and Stuart, G.J. "Dendritic mechanisms controlling spike-timing dependent synaptic plasticity." Trends Neuroscience, 30(2007):456-63.

Kole, M.H. and Stuart, G.J. "Is action potential threshold lowest in the axon?" Nature Neurosci.,11(2008):1253-55.
