SNSS 2007 Systems Neurobiology Spring School


Yohei AKADA Department of Computational Biology, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, University of Tokyo
Mitsunori ARAI Himeji Institute of Technology Graduate school of life science
Takuya ASANO Grad. School of Information Science, NAIST
Justin DAUWELS Laboratory for Mathematical Neuroscience, RIKEN Brain Science Institute
Tomokazu DOI Osaka Bioscience Institute, Director's Lab
HONDA Naoki Grad. School of Information Science, NAIST
Yasunobu IGARASHI Graduate School of Information Sciences, Tohoku University
INUTSUKA Ayumu Kyoto university, graduate school of science
ICHIDA, Munehiro Grad. School of Biological Science, NAIST
Tetsuya J. KOBAYASHI RIKEN Center for Developmental Biology
Sho KUROIWA Grad. School of Information Science, NAIST
Masatoshi NAGATA Osaka University Graduate School of Frontier Biosciences
Takashi NAKANO Grad. School of Information Science, NAIST
NOMURA Hiroto Grad. School of Information Science, NAIST
NOZAWA Shinichi Tokyo Institute of Technology
OHMAE Yuki Grad. School of Information Science, NAIST
SHIMADA, Tadayuki Grad. School of Biological Science, NAIST
Hideki TAMURA Grad. School of Biological Science, NAIST
TSUKADA, Yuki Grad. School of Information Science, NAIST
Masataka YAMAO Grad. School of Information Science, NAIST

(in alphabetical order)